Registration is full. You will be placed in a waiting list.
By clicking “Submit” I am acknowledging that I have read and understand the following:
Emergency Release: In case of accident or other emergency, I authorize the Camp Makanalani Staff/Kauai Baptist Church staff to obtain any needed medical or surgical care for my child from our Physician or another medical professional. I understand that the Camp will attempt to contact me if this occurs. While all Camp activities are supervised by adults, I understand that my child is participating at their own risk. In the event of accident or injury while at Camp, I will assume responsibility for all expenses. In addition, I agree to take full responsibility and hold harmless all individuals and entities connected with Camp Makanalani, Kauai Baptist Church, its volunteers, and board of trustees.
Registration Info
– $200 PER TEEN – 6TH-12TH GRADES (including 2024 graduates)
Payment: Pay online at kauaibaptist.org/give
Please choose the Youth Fund tab.
Pay by check: Make check out to “Kauai Baptist Church” with the camper’s name in the memo line.
Mailing Address: 3335 Lala Rd, Lihue, HI 96766
What to Bring: Modest clothing for 5 days of activities; 2-3 towels; warm jacket and closed toed shoes; sleeping bag, sheets, and pillow; flashlight; Bible and pen; soap; shampoo; toothbrush; toothpaste; sunblock; insect repellent, and water bottle.
What to Leave: Any electronics; iPads, iPods, Gameboys; laptops; MP3 players; fireworks, prank materials, and a rebellious spirit 🙂
Cost: The cost for camp is $200 per camper.
Note: Teen Camp begins @1:00pm on MONDAY, JULY 8 and ends @3:00pm on FRIDAY, JULY 12.
Please drop off and pick up your youth at Camp Makanalani.
Kauai Baptist Church and a team of youth workers are praying that God would give the youth of our island a greater vision for their future. We desire that the teens of Hawaii would dream big for God! We are praying that God would grant them faith to move mountains and that they will shake this world with the Gospel. This generation can do great things, but it all starts Jesus Christ living in us. Life isn’t found in any institution, career, sport, and it definitely isn’t found on social media…LIFE is found entirely in
Jesus Christ. Join us for five action-packed days at Camp Makanalani for a time of spiritual, emotional, and physical renewal.
Don’t miss this summer!