Your First Visit
Visiting any church for the very first time can feel anxious. Well, we want to put you at ease. Your first visit to Kauai Baptist will be refreshing, friendly, and enjoyable for your whole family. We want you to experience inspiring music, helpful teaching and preaching, friendly people, and a place where you feel welcome and “at home”!
We are now meeting at a NEW LOCATION! Join us at the Kauai Philippine Cultural Center at 4475f Nuhou Street. Lihue, Hi 96766 (Behing the YMCA). This new space is a huge increase in size and parking for our church which will allow us to minister on a much higher level!

Peewee Club & Nursery
Children ages 3-6 can enjoy our Peewee club where the can do crafts, sing songs, and learn a Bible story. A nursery is available for children 2 and under. Ushers will assist you in locating and utilizing these ministries.
Keiki (Children’s) Church
We provide a junior church for children 5-12 years old. This exciting ministry teaches God’s Word at a level children can easily understand. Your children will also enjoy songs, and games while you are in the main service.
Service length
The 10:00am morning service lasts approximately an hour and a half with child care available.